Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Summer Lovin

Ok, so where did I leave off?
Oh, mum was about to arrive. This happened as per the plan, there were a little bit of tears (mostly on her part, non on mine) but it was great to have her around and show her all my favourite London places and then Bruges.
Bruges was really beautiful, but full of tourists (mostly annoying Americans) and really over crowded. We did however, try all the food your supposed to in Belgium, such as waffles, mussels, chocolate, beer and we even had a Flemish dish of rabbit stew.
I also did a chocolate tour, a brewery tour and caught a boat on the lake which was very medieval. It was great getting away from the hustle and bustle of London and it was great not being at work.
Mostly my month from then on was showing mum around and the occasional drinking session/party that I went too and usually drank too much and may or may not of thrown up while inside a cab (but managed to make it outside the cab – Ben, clarification was for your benefit).
In the last month, I have also had Kylee (an old work mate) and Ellen come and visit me, both for 3 days but all in all it was great to have reminders of home and I’m feeling refreshed and in a good mood from having people that know me well around.
So the last month or so, I’ve seen Wicked and the Wizard of Oz, I’ve been on the London eye a total of 3 times, I’ve been to Jamie Oliver’s restaurant, high tea at Harrods, I’ve  been to Belgium and also Cornwall.
Cornwall was amazing, it came about by me meeting a girl at a work party (who had only started that week), and we had been dancing all night (I know, I keep promising to never dance again) and then talking the next week. Somehow I was randomly invited to go with her and her friends on a road trip to Cornwall (which takes 5 hours to drive too).
The only way to describe Cornwall and Newquey Beach is basically a British Nimbin… But it was amazingly beautiful and relaxing, the water was clear blue and really cold but refreshing. We also somehow ended up on the beach on the hottest day for the UK in like a million years and was surprised to obtain a slight tan (which no one can see).
We also attempted a bbq – which failed miserably and had a sing-a-long with everyone including Leo, who appeared and should have won X Factor Hong Kong (who I am also slightly in love with). He was such an amazing singer that he created a battle of the Uni’s sing-a-long which made the night go into the wee hours of the morning.   
Now, I’m back at work and contemplating ‘the what’s next in the world to do’,  I’m thinking Berlin for xmas (I’ve heard it’s the best place to be for a Winter xmas) and then Egypt in Feb or Jan. I’m also considering moving to Scotland; however that probably will not happen due to the fact that I would need to start all over again and it seems too difficult.
Love you all and miss everyone THAT much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Floods, drugs and a murder

The Month of July started off pretty average... After buying tickets to Bruges last month and only getting paid monthly, it was fairly boring and thrifty.

That all changed last week, when at 11pm the cranky lady that lives below us knocked on the door!!!

As soon as I open the door, a hard to understand Irish lady starts yelling at me "who just had a shower, who just had a shower???" Um, no-one just had a shower, everyone is ASLEEP... Ignoring me, she storms into my apartment and starts looking in the bathrooms (we have 2), at this point I am mostly just confused, but I can comprehend something about her place flooding and that we can no longer use the showers, washing machine or sink (luckily, we can use the loo).

So, the background to all this - the lady says she has been flooded (and not a little bit of water, but water streaming from the lighting, and through the walls) 7 times. The owner of my place changed the location of the kitchen and added a bathroom, completely screwing the draining system.

We told the agency ASAP, as we cannot now shower, and only after a couple of days they fix it.... Or so we thought... We all started to shower again and was feeling pretty good, till the knock knock at the door... This time, its flooded worse, and the lady has called the council.

The council come, do an inspection of our place, find out that the owner has made 5 rooms from the 4 allowed, has put a hot water boiler in my room (without an alarm, and protection) and and... hot wired the electricity!!

So, with the prospect of being thrown out of our place and/or dying in my sleep I decided to go drinking this week...

Wednesday was drinking with a cute guy from work, then Thursday night was dinner with another co worker, drinks and poker. Now, everything was going fine, I was tipsy, coherent all that kinda deal, then I cannot remember the rest of the night.... bits here and there, not how I got home (think it was the bus, I kinda remember a bus) but nothing. Oh, and I lost my wallet and my bag (separately), so all I remember after my coworker left the pub is being at home and crying all over my house mate and going to bed.

Usually when drinking, I remember pretty much everything (and if you've ever seen me drunk, you will know this). I'm also pretty good about my wallet and bag... so, I really have no idea how I lost both of them, as my wallet would of been in my pants, and my bag, well you know.

So, not remembering anything at all, and violently sick I decide to go to work. The only problem with that?? (well, there is 2) I don't have my oyster card, and my tube station which is just outside my house is closed off and people in white body suits are walking around.

Turns out, someone was murdered there the night before around 1am - which actually would of coincided with the time I would of gotten off the tube if my wallet had not been stolen/missing (and if I remembered the night).

So, me at work, reading this in the news, still violently puking my guts out (at 3pm) was thinking maybe 1. My drink was spiked and 2. maybe it happened for a reason, so I would not be the one killed or see someone be killed or 3. maybe I'm the murderer and don't know it...

Still puking my guts out and trying not to faint at work, somehow I finish the day with my cards cancelled and a spare key cut, to go home to bed as I have to work overtime on Saturday.

Saturday at work however (still sick), I get a facebook message from someone saying they had my wallet and bag (still separately though) and that I could come and grab it from a pub. Now, this pub I've never heard of and when I get there, really do not recognise it at all... At all... Like I even had to google map it and even got lost looking for it???

One more clue about my Thursday, I called someone at 12.30 and the number was saved to my contacts. The name however is Id... and I have no idea if that's code, a nickname or what... Now, I know I somehow get allot of numbers in toilet lines or whatever, but I always remember who they are. I have no idea about who this person is or another phone call that my co worker made to me. I don't remember any of it all, or even what I was talking to my house mate about (she has since reminded me, and it is not coherent at all) when she was trying to get me to bed.

If anyone can help me out, and tell me what happened that night - I would appreciate it (although, as I might be a murderer, I'm not sure I want to know).

Looking forward to the next month however, mum is coming, there is Bruges, Holidays oh, and I just put in a job application for another job in my company (yes, my company)! So, fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Can you believe how time fly's when your upside down?? I realised the other day that its now the end of June and therefore, I have been in the UK for 6 months now!

So my month. Work. Nothing too exciting there, I started on the 6th as previously mentioned and it's a very very small company, which consists of a total of 143 staff members and works as a regulatory body. My CEO is funnily enough an Aussie and the rest of the people seem nice and friendly, I think they are still getting used to me though as its like a large family and they don't trust strangers.

I have also been enjoying having an income again, unfortunately I only get paid monthly so my first pay has been wasted and gone already. However, it was worth it as allot of drinking was involved, allot of things that I should have done and even more that I should not of done.

Part of my excitement with being paid, consisted of me buying 2 tickets to Bruges for August. My mum is coming to visit me for the month, and I thought it would be a nice gift for her and a chance for me to also add another country to the list WOOOOO! I'm so excited, Bruges is a small town in Belgium for those that don't know, which is famous for its waffles, chocolate and canals.

In other news, I did attend a Vietnamese cooking class the other day. It was good, a little disappointing but I did take away the basics of creating any Vietnamese dish (I think). During the course, we only made 3 dishes and one consisted of fried rice (so, you may understand my disappointment). I was also paired up with the only 50+ man in the class, who happened to be as slow witted as a caterpillar with all its legs broken off.

I have also started attending a weekly poker game, which is walking distance from my house and reminds me of the original Thursday night game at the Shafston. Don't fear though, I am not going to play poker like I did back home (those days are over), but it is fun to play once a week and not to take it too seriously, while enjoying a drink or 3.

Another really fun and crazy thing that I have discovered..... KARAOKE.... I have not sung yet, so don't worry. But, Its really really crowded and THE place to be on a really really late Thursday night (but, still walking distance from my house). Plus, the other bonus about this place £1 tequila shots!

Unfortunately however, I was not able to obtain tickets to Wimbledon, Glastonbury, Britney Spears or the Olympic Games... So, I will have to make do without all of those things and concentrate on winning tickets to the Itunes festival which happens next month.

Other then that though, I am looking forward to Bruges and creating plans for the next adventure while trying to stay out of Hospital. I would love to go to Spain next, obviously for the running of the Bulls, however I don't think I will make it in time so hopefully I can make it to the tomato festival instead.

Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rollin in the deep

Before I left home a wise friend of mine said that the three month point will be the hardest... Well, I reached my three month point at the fifth month...

It came about however, from being unemployed. I have not worked since the 1st of April which is in fact the longest time that I have gone without work since school. Now, everyone enjoys a holiday from time to time... But, to not work in a new city with no friends and no income is a tricky one.

I did try and enjoy this time, I went to the many parks around London and soaked up some of the beautiful sun that has suprised Londoners, I caught random buses or tubes in the hopes of finding new places to explore, I went to Brighton. But really its not that much and London is an expensive city, so allot of days was spent sleeping in and applying for jobs.

I now have a job (which starts on the 6th of June), and I cannot wait to start. Literally, when I found out that I have the position, I did a jig with jumping (i never jump) and looked for someone to tell. Everyone I live with was at work, and I could not call home (it was 3am), so I called my cousin who lives in London, but the buzz was gone.

In my free time however, I have (and dont laugh) discovered my passion for cooking. London food is mostly terrible (except for the really expensive places), so to save money and be healthy, I started cooking. The internet is a great help and I am in love with a blog about Hummus, also thanks to Groupon I am due to do a cooking class specializing in Vietnamese (one of my favourite cuisines). I love food, so I might as well love making it.

Never fear though, I am being healthy. Most of what I make is vegetable based and I am being allot more active then I was in Brissy. Not sure why, maybe because its a new city or the onset of Spring but I love going for walks around London. Also, once I start work I'm planning on learning Fencing and Badminton (mostly so I can be Bond girl) but I think it will be really fun and a bit different to the average 'football' (soccer) that is played.

Spring in London is very beautiful though, the trees are blossoming, people are happier, the sun is out and its amazing.

Also, my plans for travelling, as you may have noticed have been a little hindered, however as soon as I can get going, I will be jet setting off into the sunset once more. Not sure where, still thinking about it. Really, I have too many options.

So that is all for me for now. I hope everyone is safe and healthy and having a good time.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

My ten steps to becoming rich

Ok, so thinking about this seriously, the fastest and simplest way to become rich is to marry Sir Richard Branson! He is the 254th richest man alive, the head of the mega empire Virgin and all of its offsets, he has helped fund many environmentally friendly companies and ideas. Unfortunately for my plan... he is also Married.

You may ask, why don't I just set my sights for the younger, cuter version in Richards son Sam Branson, who also looks like he will create a splash in years to come with his crazy entrepreneur ideas? Well, there are a few reasons for this... As I have mentioned, Richard is already married, so I would have to be his 'mistress', in many ways this is the better option. I could enjoy Richards time and money without many constraints. I would not have to be in the spotlight, and I could spend my newly acquired money travelling, or spending time on my, I mean Richards many islands that he owns (preferably Antigua and Barbuda) and to be honest, he will die sooner (and by that time, I would of made my way into the Will).

So my ten steps for making this all my future -

  1. The set up – I will have to become a Virgin Flight Attendant (luckily I look great in red).
  2. Meet and Greet – I will get my chance to meet Richard, when I am awarded employee of the year.
  3. Sparkle in his eye – Ok, so what will set me apart from all the other hot flight attendants and wannabe mistresses... Well, during my year of becoming the employee of the year, I was also in training both to become an expert in Star Trek (luckily I have the nerds on my side) and swimming! Why this odd combo???
    Well, it turns out that Richard is a Trekky (even naming his space ship after his obsession) and he is also a keen swimmer. So, my plan for making me the 'other' One -
    When I'm getting my award, and we are back stage having a drink and Richard is saying how wonderful I am, I suggest a friendly swimming race. The winner will have to take the other to dinner (oh, and I chuck in a trekky joke (you sunk my battleship???).
  4. Hook the bait – So, obviously I win the race! For the dinner event (just us two), and as I know that Richard is a keen adventurer (and I want to keep it on the down low from the media) I take him to Peru for a mountain walk (dinner thrown in there), with the help of his airline. I know, I know... Probably will take more time then dinner, however I entertain him on the flight with a Trekky marathon.
  5. Make the move – On our way home, Richard will be blown away by the day and tired from all the mountain climbing and wine from dinner so more relaxed and inclined to 'snuggle'.
  6. Written in cement – How do I become the mistress?? After the plane ride home, I walk away. Tell him how I had a great time, and go home! No number exchange, no email exchange or facebook invite.
    See I know, that if we go back acouple of steps – I won the employee of the year. That entitles me to certain privileges (including free flights and working personally with Richard on improving client services blah blah blah). Basically, this means that Richard and I get to spend more time together, where I cement our relationship.
  7. Gifts – ahhh, the fun part, this is where Richard starts to spend his money on me. Gifts, holidays, bungee jumping... all that Jazz.
  8. This is the Life – Richard buys me a penthouse apartment and a car, we go on Safari. Oh, did I mention that I quit my job as a flight attendant (but keep the uniform).
  9. No more steps needee as I've achieved my goals!
  10. However - I make it into the Will so I'm set up for life.

    Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow

The last couple of months have been abit crazy with both ups and downs, so I have not updated everyone mostly because there where allot of times that I was too home sick or I was just lazy. To make it easier on everyone and myself, I have decided to divide this blog into sections:-

A weekend in Paris....

As it turns out, the romantic notion of catching a train (even if I was not in the 50s) is the most comfortable way to travel. It only took 2 hours and once I got over my small panic attack of not understanding the language, I was on my way in the city of love.

The sights are amazing, and trying to speak the language is an effort in itself, plus I even lost my walking tour when another 'single' (as I like to call us people that travel alone) and I got side tracked at the Louvre.

As French food goes, I tried some Escargot (snails), which I really liked, kinda taste like mussels and calamari mixed together - plus the pleasure of not having a pretty woman moment.

I also went clubbing in the 'red light district' near the Moulin Rouge. That was a jasventure - I saw the scariest fight in my life. Everyone was happy drinking away, and suddenly there is a loud noise and two barman grab a guy and wrestle him outside, while the other bar guy grabs his baseball bat (in France??) and proceeds to beat the crap out of this guy, then they all calmly walk back inside, clean the blood off of the baseball bat and start serving drinks again!!!! I was so confused,  both horrified and excited by the whole situation. Until, the guy returns with a car load of people.

I seriously had images of a shoot out, and was looking for a good place to hide underneath stuff, which also presented a good viewing point. But nothing eventuated out of that as everyone just left after some yelling, and we proceeded to move on to the next place - where I had a lot of cocktails and somehow managed to get back to my hostel.

Sunday was mostly just waiting in the freezing line for the Eiffel Tower which was worth it and a beautiful lunch with a side order of sunshine (which I had not found in London).

Paris is an amazing city, and I hope to get back and do the whole thing properly, and also to see other parts of France, but for now I can survive on only the weekend.

My Birthday
As you may be aware, my plan for my birthday was to go to Bath and Stone Henge.

OMG.... I have never been so moved by a place in my life. I don't know what it was about both places, but they both seemed to be so magical. I even had a teary moment as I threw a coin into the ancient hot spa for a wish.

Stone Henge on the other hand, was something completely different.... Luckily, I paid extra to go inside the circle, as I can see how from the outside it would be boring. But, as it was sunset, and the place was cleared out of tourists - our small group had the place to ourselves. I don't know why, but the entire time was spent in whispers, and a strange kind of tingling occurred as you breached the circular barrier. I cannot begin to explain my feelings to this place, I am in love, it is truly magical and for whatever reason that it exists, it deserves to be standing as it does have a purpose. Plus, as we were driving off into the sunset, a rainbow appeared directly over the stones - so I had to listen to the song, it was just appropriate!

Ok, so I know I have spoken allot about how beautiful everything has been... It is true, but in different ways. Paris, was man made beauty, Stone Henge/Bath was ancient beauty and now to Scotland.

Scotland is a natural beauty. I did a three day tour of the highlands, which as far as I'm concerned has hardly changed from the day that the Earth was created. For those of you who know me, you should know that I love history.. I know a fair bit about Scottish history, and I could not imagine all these Clans fighting hand to hand going to battle in this terrain. However, I can understand to some extent the reason. I would most definitely fight for a place that looked like that and is so obviously naturally rich.

I cannot even begin to remember some of the names that I went to see (as most of them where in Gaelic), but from the ones I know, we did see Fort Williams and Augustes, the Isle of Skye, Colloden Moor, a magical place similar to Stone henge, we also got to stay in a place just off from Loch Ness.

All of these places were amazing and the last three months have been awesome, sometimes lonely, but worth every moment. Not allot else has been going on in between my travelling, just making friends and living everyday life.

Plans for the near future - I want to do a bit more exploring around the UK, so places such as Leeds and Brighton and saving for a bigger holiday. Italy is up there, and I'm secretly aiming for that, but I also would love to go to the running of the bulls and the tomato festival in Spain (July and August). However, as that's a bit far off, we will see what I can achieve. For now, its finding a job - then saving.

But least its somewhat a plan.

Love you all and be safe.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sorry for not keeping everyone updated lately, but I've been busy! Well, not interesting busy, just settling into life busy. I have found work, moved into my apartment (photo's attached) and just finding my way around London in general.

So, my apartment, Its walking distance from the London Bridge and I live with 6 other people and although that seems like a crowded house - it's really not. My first week, I only met one person as everyone has different schedules (and I think some of them just live in their rooms). The people are nice though, but generally they stick to themselves, we have are 2 Czech girls (cousins), one Spanish guy, one Indian guy and a couple from France. I seem to be the only person that gets up before midday, so that's cool with me, more shower time and when I come home at night, people are either in their rooms or at work, so I can veg out and cook (yes, cook) my dinner in peace.

My work, I am just doing office work, same as back home - but for a lot less money. However, it's a friendly place and they have extended my contract for 2 months. So, least I have some money coming in.

Plans for the near future??? I have booked a trip to Stonehenge, and although people will tell you that you can't get inside the 'inner circle', I have found a tour that promises just that. It means that I have to start off at the crack of dawn, but I think it will be worth it... Oh, and a funny thing, the only date that they had available happened to fall on the 3rd of April (my birthday), so I think its magical and really poetic. If I don't actually get inside the circle, I will be disappointed but happy just to see it.

Another plan, maybe the first week of March I am planning to go to Paris for the weekend. I know a weekend is not long, but I am so near to France plus I can't really have time off work, so hopefully another weekend soon for Scotland and Ireland. I do plan on going for longer somewhere when I am in between work assignments, but now I have to wait two months. 

Other then that, just looking around... I've been to Camden Markets, and my favourite place in London so far, the Borough Markets. Camden is very hippy and punk, mostly clothing. Borough is a fresh food market, and its huge! I love it for the smells, and the availability of different veggies, meat and fruits (which you cannot find in supermarkets anywhere). I have also been to most of the Museum's in London, I did a tour of the Globe Theatre (Shakespeare's theatre, photo's attached) and I lived in Piccadilly, so seen that. I went to Covent Garden (from My Fair Lady), Trafalgar Square, miserably I walked through Mayfair and I have seen the Change of the Guard and Buckingham Palace.

Tomorrow, I plan on going to China Town for Chinese New Year (the year of the Rabbit), but I did get a sneak peak of it today at the Borough Markets, so I'm excited for tomorrow. It would mean so far, I have had Chinese New Year and Australia Day in London.

Australia day was fun, unfortunately I had to work the next day, which was a bit tricky but it was a great night. I went to the Walkabout pub, which is a Aussie themed bar. It was packed, and although I did not know anyone, by the end of the night I was friends with everyone!

So, that's about it really, I hope everyone is safe and happy and enjoying life.

A photo of my new room -

The Globe Theatre

Change of the Guard
 London Bridge
 'Fresh' food from Borough Market

 A sample of Chinese New Year

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Swollen Feet!

No, before you ask, I am not pregnant! I have just walked more in the last couple of days then I have my entire life combined.

However, it's not all sightseeing and in fact I have hardly seen anything other then the British Museum (and the bus tour). But, I have been productive, I have an oyster card (which will soon be replaced by a monthly pass), I have organised a sim card, an interview for an IN number (tax file number), seen a temp agency regarding work and signed a lease for an apartment.

The apartment.... I am so excited about this, even though its with 3 other people, the backpackers is great in the fact that it fulfills it's purpose, but I can't wait till I have my own bed and I don't have to share a shower with naked foreigners.... Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with naked backpackers, I just don't need to hate myself that early in the morning hahaha.

London is amazing though, I love the cold (no snow yet) and the old streets and the fact that there are shops everywhere. I promise photo's will follow soon, it's just hard to take them by oneself.

Seriously though, my feet are so swollen it's not funny, I even tried to buy boots and could not get into them... Has to be doing some good I guess, but OMG and least I'm saving money not buying shoes!

One draw back though, its that I am terribly missing home, and it was not helped by the fact that I could not figure out how to call home! Stupid, I know, but I did not realise that you take the zero away and replace it with the 61, I was just adding the 61 (Australian code). But, luckily after calling the wrong number a million times and lots of tears, I figured it out.

So, all in all, ups and downs - however that's life, and I'm loving every minute of it. Next week, hopefully I will have a job and I will be preparing to move into my own room.

I hope to keep you updated weekly, so best wishes for all and stay safe!