Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Can you believe how time fly's when your upside down?? I realised the other day that its now the end of June and therefore, I have been in the UK for 6 months now!

So my month. Work. Nothing too exciting there, I started on the 6th as previously mentioned and it's a very very small company, which consists of a total of 143 staff members and works as a regulatory body. My CEO is funnily enough an Aussie and the rest of the people seem nice and friendly, I think they are still getting used to me though as its like a large family and they don't trust strangers.

I have also been enjoying having an income again, unfortunately I only get paid monthly so my first pay has been wasted and gone already. However, it was worth it as allot of drinking was involved, allot of things that I should have done and even more that I should not of done.

Part of my excitement with being paid, consisted of me buying 2 tickets to Bruges for August. My mum is coming to visit me for the month, and I thought it would be a nice gift for her and a chance for me to also add another country to the list WOOOOO! I'm so excited, Bruges is a small town in Belgium for those that don't know, which is famous for its waffles, chocolate and canals.

In other news, I did attend a Vietnamese cooking class the other day. It was good, a little disappointing but I did take away the basics of creating any Vietnamese dish (I think). During the course, we only made 3 dishes and one consisted of fried rice (so, you may understand my disappointment). I was also paired up with the only 50+ man in the class, who happened to be as slow witted as a caterpillar with all its legs broken off.

I have also started attending a weekly poker game, which is walking distance from my house and reminds me of the original Thursday night game at the Shafston. Don't fear though, I am not going to play poker like I did back home (those days are over), but it is fun to play once a week and not to take it too seriously, while enjoying a drink or 3.

Another really fun and crazy thing that I have discovered..... KARAOKE.... I have not sung yet, so don't worry. But, Its really really crowded and THE place to be on a really really late Thursday night (but, still walking distance from my house). Plus, the other bonus about this place £1 tequila shots!

Unfortunately however, I was not able to obtain tickets to Wimbledon, Glastonbury, Britney Spears or the Olympic Games... So, I will have to make do without all of those things and concentrate on winning tickets to the Itunes festival which happens next month.

Other then that though, I am looking forward to Bruges and creating plans for the next adventure while trying to stay out of Hospital. I would love to go to Spain next, obviously for the running of the Bulls, however I don't think I will make it in time so hopefully I can make it to the tomato festival instead.

Fingers crossed!

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