Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Summer Lovin

Ok, so where did I leave off?
Oh, mum was about to arrive. This happened as per the plan, there were a little bit of tears (mostly on her part, non on mine) but it was great to have her around and show her all my favourite London places and then Bruges.
Bruges was really beautiful, but full of tourists (mostly annoying Americans) and really over crowded. We did however, try all the food your supposed to in Belgium, such as waffles, mussels, chocolate, beer and we even had a Flemish dish of rabbit stew.
I also did a chocolate tour, a brewery tour and caught a boat on the lake which was very medieval. It was great getting away from the hustle and bustle of London and it was great not being at work.
Mostly my month from then on was showing mum around and the occasional drinking session/party that I went too and usually drank too much and may or may not of thrown up while inside a cab (but managed to make it outside the cab – Ben, clarification was for your benefit).
In the last month, I have also had Kylee (an old work mate) and Ellen come and visit me, both for 3 days but all in all it was great to have reminders of home and I’m feeling refreshed and in a good mood from having people that know me well around.
So the last month or so, I’ve seen Wicked and the Wizard of Oz, I’ve been on the London eye a total of 3 times, I’ve been to Jamie Oliver’s restaurant, high tea at Harrods, I’ve  been to Belgium and also Cornwall.
Cornwall was amazing, it came about by me meeting a girl at a work party (who had only started that week), and we had been dancing all night (I know, I keep promising to never dance again) and then talking the next week. Somehow I was randomly invited to go with her and her friends on a road trip to Cornwall (which takes 5 hours to drive too).
The only way to describe Cornwall and Newquey Beach is basically a British Nimbin… But it was amazingly beautiful and relaxing, the water was clear blue and really cold but refreshing. We also somehow ended up on the beach on the hottest day for the UK in like a million years and was surprised to obtain a slight tan (which no one can see).
We also attempted a bbq – which failed miserably and had a sing-a-long with everyone including Leo, who appeared and should have won X Factor Hong Kong (who I am also slightly in love with). He was such an amazing singer that he created a battle of the Uni’s sing-a-long which made the night go into the wee hours of the morning.   
Now, I’m back at work and contemplating ‘the what’s next in the world to do’,  I’m thinking Berlin for xmas (I’ve heard it’s the best place to be for a Winter xmas) and then Egypt in Feb or Jan. I’m also considering moving to Scotland; however that probably will not happen due to the fact that I would need to start all over again and it seems too difficult.
Love you all and miss everyone THAT much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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