Sunday, April 24, 2011

My ten steps to becoming rich

Ok, so thinking about this seriously, the fastest and simplest way to become rich is to marry Sir Richard Branson! He is the 254th richest man alive, the head of the mega empire Virgin and all of its offsets, he has helped fund many environmentally friendly companies and ideas. Unfortunately for my plan... he is also Married.

You may ask, why don't I just set my sights for the younger, cuter version in Richards son Sam Branson, who also looks like he will create a splash in years to come with his crazy entrepreneur ideas? Well, there are a few reasons for this... As I have mentioned, Richard is already married, so I would have to be his 'mistress', in many ways this is the better option. I could enjoy Richards time and money without many constraints. I would not have to be in the spotlight, and I could spend my newly acquired money travelling, or spending time on my, I mean Richards many islands that he owns (preferably Antigua and Barbuda) and to be honest, he will die sooner (and by that time, I would of made my way into the Will).

So my ten steps for making this all my future -

  1. The set up – I will have to become a Virgin Flight Attendant (luckily I look great in red).
  2. Meet and Greet – I will get my chance to meet Richard, when I am awarded employee of the year.
  3. Sparkle in his eye – Ok, so what will set me apart from all the other hot flight attendants and wannabe mistresses... Well, during my year of becoming the employee of the year, I was also in training both to become an expert in Star Trek (luckily I have the nerds on my side) and swimming! Why this odd combo???
    Well, it turns out that Richard is a Trekky (even naming his space ship after his obsession) and he is also a keen swimmer. So, my plan for making me the 'other' One -
    When I'm getting my award, and we are back stage having a drink and Richard is saying how wonderful I am, I suggest a friendly swimming race. The winner will have to take the other to dinner (oh, and I chuck in a trekky joke (you sunk my battleship???).
  4. Hook the bait – So, obviously I win the race! For the dinner event (just us two), and as I know that Richard is a keen adventurer (and I want to keep it on the down low from the media) I take him to Peru for a mountain walk (dinner thrown in there), with the help of his airline. I know, I know... Probably will take more time then dinner, however I entertain him on the flight with a Trekky marathon.
  5. Make the move – On our way home, Richard will be blown away by the day and tired from all the mountain climbing and wine from dinner so more relaxed and inclined to 'snuggle'.
  6. Written in cement – How do I become the mistress?? After the plane ride home, I walk away. Tell him how I had a great time, and go home! No number exchange, no email exchange or facebook invite.
    See I know, that if we go back acouple of steps – I won the employee of the year. That entitles me to certain privileges (including free flights and working personally with Richard on improving client services blah blah blah). Basically, this means that Richard and I get to spend more time together, where I cement our relationship.
  7. Gifts – ahhh, the fun part, this is where Richard starts to spend his money on me. Gifts, holidays, bungee jumping... all that Jazz.
  8. This is the Life – Richard buys me a penthouse apartment and a car, we go on Safari. Oh, did I mention that I quit my job as a flight attendant (but keep the uniform).
  9. No more steps needee as I've achieved my goals!
  10. However - I make it into the Will so I'm set up for life.

    Happy Easter everyone!

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