Sunday, July 24, 2011

Floods, drugs and a murder

The Month of July started off pretty average... After buying tickets to Bruges last month and only getting paid monthly, it was fairly boring and thrifty.

That all changed last week, when at 11pm the cranky lady that lives below us knocked on the door!!!

As soon as I open the door, a hard to understand Irish lady starts yelling at me "who just had a shower, who just had a shower???" Um, no-one just had a shower, everyone is ASLEEP... Ignoring me, she storms into my apartment and starts looking in the bathrooms (we have 2), at this point I am mostly just confused, but I can comprehend something about her place flooding and that we can no longer use the showers, washing machine or sink (luckily, we can use the loo).

So, the background to all this - the lady says she has been flooded (and not a little bit of water, but water streaming from the lighting, and through the walls) 7 times. The owner of my place changed the location of the kitchen and added a bathroom, completely screwing the draining system.

We told the agency ASAP, as we cannot now shower, and only after a couple of days they fix it.... Or so we thought... We all started to shower again and was feeling pretty good, till the knock knock at the door... This time, its flooded worse, and the lady has called the council.

The council come, do an inspection of our place, find out that the owner has made 5 rooms from the 4 allowed, has put a hot water boiler in my room (without an alarm, and protection) and and... hot wired the electricity!!

So, with the prospect of being thrown out of our place and/or dying in my sleep I decided to go drinking this week...

Wednesday was drinking with a cute guy from work, then Thursday night was dinner with another co worker, drinks and poker. Now, everything was going fine, I was tipsy, coherent all that kinda deal, then I cannot remember the rest of the night.... bits here and there, not how I got home (think it was the bus, I kinda remember a bus) but nothing. Oh, and I lost my wallet and my bag (separately), so all I remember after my coworker left the pub is being at home and crying all over my house mate and going to bed.

Usually when drinking, I remember pretty much everything (and if you've ever seen me drunk, you will know this). I'm also pretty good about my wallet and bag... so, I really have no idea how I lost both of them, as my wallet would of been in my pants, and my bag, well you know.

So, not remembering anything at all, and violently sick I decide to go to work. The only problem with that?? (well, there is 2) I don't have my oyster card, and my tube station which is just outside my house is closed off and people in white body suits are walking around.

Turns out, someone was murdered there the night before around 1am - which actually would of coincided with the time I would of gotten off the tube if my wallet had not been stolen/missing (and if I remembered the night).

So, me at work, reading this in the news, still violently puking my guts out (at 3pm) was thinking maybe 1. My drink was spiked and 2. maybe it happened for a reason, so I would not be the one killed or see someone be killed or 3. maybe I'm the murderer and don't know it...

Still puking my guts out and trying not to faint at work, somehow I finish the day with my cards cancelled and a spare key cut, to go home to bed as I have to work overtime on Saturday.

Saturday at work however (still sick), I get a facebook message from someone saying they had my wallet and bag (still separately though) and that I could come and grab it from a pub. Now, this pub I've never heard of and when I get there, really do not recognise it at all... At all... Like I even had to google map it and even got lost looking for it???

One more clue about my Thursday, I called someone at 12.30 and the number was saved to my contacts. The name however is Id... and I have no idea if that's code, a nickname or what... Now, I know I somehow get allot of numbers in toilet lines or whatever, but I always remember who they are. I have no idea about who this person is or another phone call that my co worker made to me. I don't remember any of it all, or even what I was talking to my house mate about (she has since reminded me, and it is not coherent at all) when she was trying to get me to bed.

If anyone can help me out, and tell me what happened that night - I would appreciate it (although, as I might be a murderer, I'm not sure I want to know).

Looking forward to the next month however, mum is coming, there is Bruges, Holidays oh, and I just put in a job application for another job in my company (yes, my company)! So, fingers crossed.