Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rollin in the deep

Before I left home a wise friend of mine said that the three month point will be the hardest... Well, I reached my three month point at the fifth month...

It came about however, from being unemployed. I have not worked since the 1st of April which is in fact the longest time that I have gone without work since school. Now, everyone enjoys a holiday from time to time... But, to not work in a new city with no friends and no income is a tricky one.

I did try and enjoy this time, I went to the many parks around London and soaked up some of the beautiful sun that has suprised Londoners, I caught random buses or tubes in the hopes of finding new places to explore, I went to Brighton. But really its not that much and London is an expensive city, so allot of days was spent sleeping in and applying for jobs.

I now have a job (which starts on the 6th of June), and I cannot wait to start. Literally, when I found out that I have the position, I did a jig with jumping (i never jump) and looked for someone to tell. Everyone I live with was at work, and I could not call home (it was 3am), so I called my cousin who lives in London, but the buzz was gone.

In my free time however, I have (and dont laugh) discovered my passion for cooking. London food is mostly terrible (except for the really expensive places), so to save money and be healthy, I started cooking. The internet is a great help and I am in love with a blog about Hummus, also thanks to Groupon I am due to do a cooking class specializing in Vietnamese (one of my favourite cuisines). I love food, so I might as well love making it.

Never fear though, I am being healthy. Most of what I make is vegetable based and I am being allot more active then I was in Brissy. Not sure why, maybe because its a new city or the onset of Spring but I love going for walks around London. Also, once I start work I'm planning on learning Fencing and Badminton (mostly so I can be Bond girl) but I think it will be really fun and a bit different to the average 'football' (soccer) that is played.

Spring in London is very beautiful though, the trees are blossoming, people are happier, the sun is out and its amazing.

Also, my plans for travelling, as you may have noticed have been a little hindered, however as soon as I can get going, I will be jet setting off into the sunset once more. Not sure where, still thinking about it. Really, I have too many options.

So that is all for me for now. I hope everyone is safe and healthy and having a good time.
