Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sorry for not keeping everyone updated lately, but I've been busy! Well, not interesting busy, just settling into life busy. I have found work, moved into my apartment (photo's attached) and just finding my way around London in general.

So, my apartment, Its walking distance from the London Bridge and I live with 6 other people and although that seems like a crowded house - it's really not. My first week, I only met one person as everyone has different schedules (and I think some of them just live in their rooms). The people are nice though, but generally they stick to themselves, we have are 2 Czech girls (cousins), one Spanish guy, one Indian guy and a couple from France. I seem to be the only person that gets up before midday, so that's cool with me, more shower time and when I come home at night, people are either in their rooms or at work, so I can veg out and cook (yes, cook) my dinner in peace.

My work, I am just doing office work, same as back home - but for a lot less money. However, it's a friendly place and they have extended my contract for 2 months. So, least I have some money coming in.

Plans for the near future??? I have booked a trip to Stonehenge, and although people will tell you that you can't get inside the 'inner circle', I have found a tour that promises just that. It means that I have to start off at the crack of dawn, but I think it will be worth it... Oh, and a funny thing, the only date that they had available happened to fall on the 3rd of April (my birthday), so I think its magical and really poetic. If I don't actually get inside the circle, I will be disappointed but happy just to see it.

Another plan, maybe the first week of March I am planning to go to Paris for the weekend. I know a weekend is not long, but I am so near to France plus I can't really have time off work, so hopefully another weekend soon for Scotland and Ireland. I do plan on going for longer somewhere when I am in between work assignments, but now I have to wait two months. 

Other then that, just looking around... I've been to Camden Markets, and my favourite place in London so far, the Borough Markets. Camden is very hippy and punk, mostly clothing. Borough is a fresh food market, and its huge! I love it for the smells, and the availability of different veggies, meat and fruits (which you cannot find in supermarkets anywhere). I have also been to most of the Museum's in London, I did a tour of the Globe Theatre (Shakespeare's theatre, photo's attached) and I lived in Piccadilly, so seen that. I went to Covent Garden (from My Fair Lady), Trafalgar Square, miserably I walked through Mayfair and I have seen the Change of the Guard and Buckingham Palace.

Tomorrow, I plan on going to China Town for Chinese New Year (the year of the Rabbit), but I did get a sneak peak of it today at the Borough Markets, so I'm excited for tomorrow. It would mean so far, I have had Chinese New Year and Australia Day in London.

Australia day was fun, unfortunately I had to work the next day, which was a bit tricky but it was a great night. I went to the Walkabout pub, which is a Aussie themed bar. It was packed, and although I did not know anyone, by the end of the night I was friends with everyone!

So, that's about it really, I hope everyone is safe and happy and enjoying life.

A photo of my new room -

The Globe Theatre

Change of the Guard
 London Bridge
 'Fresh' food from Borough Market

 A sample of Chinese New Year