Sunday, January 16, 2011

Swollen Feet!

No, before you ask, I am not pregnant! I have just walked more in the last couple of days then I have my entire life combined.

However, it's not all sightseeing and in fact I have hardly seen anything other then the British Museum (and the bus tour). But, I have been productive, I have an oyster card (which will soon be replaced by a monthly pass), I have organised a sim card, an interview for an IN number (tax file number), seen a temp agency regarding work and signed a lease for an apartment.

The apartment.... I am so excited about this, even though its with 3 other people, the backpackers is great in the fact that it fulfills it's purpose, but I can't wait till I have my own bed and I don't have to share a shower with naked foreigners.... Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with naked backpackers, I just don't need to hate myself that early in the morning hahaha.

London is amazing though, I love the cold (no snow yet) and the old streets and the fact that there are shops everywhere. I promise photo's will follow soon, it's just hard to take them by oneself.

Seriously though, my feet are so swollen it's not funny, I even tried to buy boots and could not get into them... Has to be doing some good I guess, but OMG and least I'm saving money not buying shoes!

One draw back though, its that I am terribly missing home, and it was not helped by the fact that I could not figure out how to call home! Stupid, I know, but I did not realise that you take the zero away and replace it with the 61, I was just adding the 61 (Australian code). But, luckily after calling the wrong number a million times and lots of tears, I figured it out.

So, all in all, ups and downs - however that's life, and I'm loving every minute of it. Next week, hopefully I will have a job and I will be preparing to move into my own room.

I hope to keep you updated weekly, so best wishes for all and stay safe!