Saturday, November 27, 2010

Month To Go

As the 'month to go' approaches, I have no time to think about being in the UK. All I can think of is getting ready to go.... What to pack? Who should I invite to my going away? Will I sell my car in time? All questions, questions, questions.

So, I will allow myself this little bit of respite to think about being in the UK. I will arrive in London in January, so it will most absolutely be Winter-time. I can't wait :) all everyone keeps on saying is that its going to be icy cold. But, you know what?? I say, bring it on! Winter in Australia does not count; But SNOW, mmmmm snow!

Another thing I can't wait for... UK is my entry gate to Europe, and all the great food, culture and shopping of Spain, Germany, Italy, etc. I can't wait to try as much food as I can (and then walk/jog as much as I can), be caught up in the romance of the ancient structures and to walk the same roads and alleyways of Napoleon, Cesar and anyone that has existed long before little ol' Australia was even thought of.

Australia is great, don't get me wrong. I love it here, the sunshine and more importantly the easy-going nature of everyone and everything. So, why am I leaving?? Well, it's like an onion - layered; Firstly, to travel and explore, secondly to take a break from 'life as I know it', step out of my comfort zone and thirdly (or firstly, not sure yet) is this feeling that I have, as if to say that this is the right thing to do.

So, please join me in this 'jasventure' of mine, as I change my entire life, leave everyone I know behind and start a new life of the unknown.